人物專訪, 大會新聞

決賽新創 流浪關主奔走各地

決賽新創關卡 流動關主奔走各地(15th IICC New Stage:The Mobile Tasks


Holding bags and boxes and enter the classroom, unpacking the tasks all by themselves. Yes, they are the hosts of the newly established, the “Mobile Tasks”, traveling to each team upon a call.

Chen, You-Huan, host of “The Crowded Room” says, “We have to carry our task and decoration in mobile. We’ll bring these to the team’s room, and set it up.”Weng, Yi-Xuan, host of “Oh~ I’m so sick” says, “It felt just like a homeless guy, We’d have to carry our stuff and rush to the teams, even had to ask them nicely, so awkward.”

自嘲流浪關主 居無定所成小隊鬧鐘(Serving as Team Alarm Clock, Host: “We’re Homeless”)

在本次競賽中除有固定的教室關卡,也增加帶著場佈奔走的移動關卡,不少關主笑稱自己是流浪關主,居無定所的他們 ,也意外成為不少小隊的起床鬧鐘。「厄夜變奏曲」關主蕭宇軒表示,開賽以後就發現自己沒地方去,心情變得低落,就會到處流浪,都戲稱自己是流浪關主,不是流動關主。而「航海王傳奇」關主賴政楷也說,小隊員也會把流動關卡當鬧鐘,睡一下就來排隊闖關,往往都是關主到大本營時,小隊都在睡覺,關主還需要把他們叫起來進行闖關。

Aside from the regular tasks set up in each room, mobile tasks are new in the 15th IICC, some mobile hosts even found it interesting, and described themselves as “Stray Hosts”. Hsiao, Yu-Xuan, host of “Inguieto” says, “I realized I became homeless on the first day, so sad. That’s when we thought to humor it up, we’re stray hosts.”Lai, Cheng-Kai, host of “One Piece” says, “The teams treat us like alarm clocks, use us to wake up. We had to wake them up for the task, like babies.”

小小空間大關卡 考驗流動關主真功夫(3×3(m2) Limited Space, Challenging Hosts’ Creativity)


Although the design of mobile tasks, allowed teams to stay in their room to play,it also challenged the hosts’ ability to organize. Do you know how difficult it is to come up with a task that fits into a 3×3 sqare meter space? They just don’t get paid so easily.Lee, Hsin, host of “The Crowded Room” says, “It was good to be simple, but it’s also quite challenging. We had only a 3×3 space, plus we coudn’t carry much.”Lai, Cheng-Kai, host of “One Piece” says, “We could not make our task props too big, neither could our task be played by devices. Portable, hand-carrying is our top designing priority.”

移動非流浪 成小鐵人心中難忘回憶(Mobile Tasks Become Fun Memory for all Teams)


Through our lenses, you get to witness the difficulties of being a mobile host. They strayed, for everyone in IICC, with respect and dignity.(Reported by: Ken Miao & Liu, Yi-Ling. NTU)