
智鐵競賽 新加坡隊奪下國際組冠軍

第15屆智慧鐵人創意競賽歷經72小時不間斷的比賽後,9號在國立臺灣大學圓滿落幕,本屆最大贏家非《桃園沒有萊爾富》莫屬,不僅再度蟬聯國內一般組冠軍和闖關王,也在其他企業獎項贏得不少的獎金,而國際組則由新加坡隊伍《Pink Fluffy Unicorns》贏得冠軍寶座,首次參賽就獲得佳績,也讓他們喜出望外。





國際組冠軍隊伍《Pink Fluffy Unicorns》認為,智鐵是一個有趣的跨學科競賽,更感謝主辦單位給新加坡隊一個很棒的機會能向其他國家的學生學習。隊員 Damian Toh說,沒想到會得獎,當得獎名單宣布,全體隊員真的非常的開心,



Finally, we’ve come to the 15th IICC. After the 72HR non-stop competition, all teams were tired. For now, the spotlight goes to the closing ceremony.

Team “No Hi-life in Taoyuan” is no doubt the grand winner this year, winning multiple awards from various categories, and a fortune of prize money.

“Pink Fluffy Unicorns” from Singapore, won the international champions this year, even they were surprised for the great performance on their first IICC experience.

“We are so thrilled to be the champion again this year, and other great precious awards, marking a great memory of IICC in our minds.” Hsu, Ching-Wei, captain of “No Hi-life in Taoyuan” says on winning Domestic Champions.

“Really honored to be this year’s vocational champion. Our seniors in school told us about IICC, they wanted to see us participate and win. We hope to come here again, next year.” says Shen, Liang-Yu, captain of team “Iron-men”.

Damian Toh, member of “Pink Fluffy Unicorns” says, “I believe we’re all very happy at this moment. When we sat there, we had no idea that we will win this”.