International Team, 隊伍報導

粉紅獨角獸初參賽 面對破產越挫越勇

六個穿著粉紅連身服的大男孩貫徹著隊伍的精神,《Pink Fluffy Unicorn》是他們的隊伍名稱,這個充滿少女心的隊名背後有很深的涵義,他們是來自新加坡的華僑中學隊伍,認為獨角獸是個存在於夢想及魔法世界的生物,因此將其形容為友善的象徵。隊長Nicholas表示:「我們就像個小時後畫的塗鴉本,有魔法彩虹和各種幸福快樂的元素,每個人都和樂融融。」

Six big boy wearing the pink jumpsuits, they are “Pink Fluffy Unicorn”. They are students from Hwa Chong Institution. And this colourful cute team name is actually much more than a cute name. They said that the unicorn stands for the diversity culture of Singapore. Unicorns are kind of the magical creature in a dream world, so it’s an icon represent friendly people. And why they chose pink is just because of their favorite colour. “You know it’s like paint book we alldraw before, and there are Magic rainbows, happiness and friendliness all that in it,” said Nicolas, the team leader.


Mention to the composition of the group, they all got the information from the electronic board in their school. Their teacher picked them from their major and habits. They have lots of after school activities, some of them play instruments, some can dance, and one of them even learn how to fly a plane. Their teacher-mentor said that the IICC competition needs multiple specialties, and their glad to have these students in the team.


Most Singaporeans can speak both English and Chinese, but still, they went to some differences in the mission. In the beginning, they misunderstood the borrowing rules and went bankrupt. “Our account were frozen for about like two hours,” they said it with laughers. Even though this happened, it didn’t affected them, and they promised that their main project will be brilliant.

智鐵比賽的形式似乎和他們曾經參與過的比賽都大不相同,上次華僑中學來參加,已經是兩年前的事了,這是《Pink Fluffy Unicorn》的第一次比賽,他們表示,智鐵很不一樣、很好玩,希望在以後能夠持續來參加比賽。(記者呂紹禾、王得翰/台大採訪報導)

The form of IICC is so different from the competition they participated before. It’s been two years since they last been here. They told us that this is fun and different, and they hope that they can come to the game each year. (Reported by: Wangder, Shao-Ho. NTU)