
The 21th IICC competition final’s task  “Night at the Insectarium” required the team to identify pests in an insectarium by playing a three-dimensional minesweeper game, which added to the difficulty of the challenge. Besides avoiding the pests, their primary task was to classify insects according to their orders and place the correct answers on a whiteboard to ensure they receive accurate hints for the subsequent stages of the challenge.



Task master explained that unlike traditional minesweeper games played on computers, this version was three-dimensional, requiring spatial reasoning and more communication among the team. Task master broke down the task into three main parts, requiring the member to divide their tasks, the first part involved classifying insects based on clues, the second part involved playing the minesweeper game, and the third part was to find the hidden pests among the insects. Each part was interconnected, correct insect classification would inform members playing the minesweeper game about the number of mines nearby, and identifying the pests correctly would ensure they were placed in the correct grid. She emphasized that teamwork was crucial in the “Night at the Insectarium”.

隊伍《All in》表示,真的沒有線索的時候,就放手賭一把吧!不要害怕失敗的到來,沒有試過又怎麼會知道結果如何,他們在面對困境時,以豁達的態度面對,更積極的迎向挑戰。而隊伍《嗶嗶滴巴嗶滴布》認為,有玩過踩地雷遊戲比較吃香,在推測害蟲位置的時候,有經驗的人推測的真的比較準確。而他們也提到了在解題過程有個很有趣的事情,兩兩分工的他們常常需要隔空對談,整間教室環繞的都是他們彼此的聲音,所以整個空間看起來有點混亂,不過神奇的是他們都清楚自己在跟誰說話,又是誰在回應他們,展現了隊伍間十足的默契。

The team “All in” shared that when there were no clear clues, it was better to take a gamble and not fear failure, after all, you never know the outcome unless you try. They approached challenges with a positive attitude, ready to face difficulties head-on. The team “Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo” noted that having experience with minesweeper games gave them an advantage, as those familiar with the game were more accurate in guessing the pests’ locations. They also shared an amusing aspect of the challenge: their two person teams often had to communicate across the room, resulting in a classroom filled with their voices. Despite the seeming chaos, each member knew exactly who they were talking to and who was responding, showcasing the team’s remarkable synergy.


Through division of labor and cooperation, the team demonstrated their strong teamwork in this challenge. It’s hoped that they will continue to face future challenges side by side, just as they did in this competition.

(Reported by Demi and Angel from Nantou)

最後修改日期: 2024-08-13