

The 21st Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest concluded successfully on August 10th. This event, filled with creativity and imagination, brought together top teams from around the world, including 8 international teams and 27 domestic teams. The participants not only showcased their innovative abilities but also demonstrated strong teamwork. After 72 hours of continuous effort and determination, they brought this remarkable competition to a perfect close.


During the 72-hour competition, the teams not only needed to manage their time effectively to clear each challenge but also had to create a four-minute main mission performance from scratch. In the Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest, Assistant Prof. Chih-Ming Chu from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Ilan University has served as a judge for the main mission for many years. He mentioned that the students’ performances in the main mission are getting more impressive every year and praised their remarkable achievements. This year’s main mission introduced elements of drone technology. Assistant Prof. Chu noted that in this era of widespread AI, integrating AI features into the works is crucial. For instance, one team incorporated the physical characteristic of the drone—the sound of its propellers spinning—as the sound of wind in their main mission. Such attention to detail was highly appreciated by the judges.Furthermore, Assistant Prof. Chu pointed out that conveying a clear message to the judges within a four-minute presentation is challenging. Therefore, the coherence of the script, team coordination, body language, and the volume of the performance are all critical factors in earning high scores.


In the Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest, the team “Wow~ This is so abstract,” who won the General Category championship, expressed surprise at their victory. Speaking about their strategy during the competition, they stated that it was as “abstract” as their team name, yet they dedicated themselves earnestly to every detail. Their motto during the competition was, “Burning through our lifespan, passing every challenge.”


This year’s Challenge Master award went to the team “Let the Eggs Fly” from Taichung Municipal Taichung First Senior High School. Besides being the Challenge Master, they also won the checkpoint awards for two different challenges. They shared that understanding the rules of each challenge was crucial to scoring high. They carefully read the questions and even memorized the flags of various countries beforehand, which turned out to be useful in the finals. They were thrilled and mentioned they hope to return next year as checkpoint masters to challenge their juniors with the brain-teasing questions that they themselves encountered this year.


After five months of competition, from regional preliminaries to the final round, the journey was filled with joy, excitement, and even occasional disagreements and fatigue. However, this is precisely what makes the Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest so valuable. The competition provided participants with unlimited creative space and support, allowing them to grow in a carefree environment. We hope that this beautiful summer memory will be cherished in their hearts forever.


最後修改日期: 2024-08-15