第21屆智慧鐵人創意競賽決賽關卡「GIFT GG」,小鐵人們需要在隔離的情況下,將手中的禮物透過通道傳送至正確的指定區域。而本道關卡除了限制小隊的溝通,整體關卡連同規則、字卡道具,全部都以英文呈現,如何將正確無誤的禮物送到對方手中,相當考驗隊伍之間的默契。

The 21st Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest finals are in full swing, with the level “GIFT GG” pushing contestants to their limits. In this level, the participants must deliver a gift through a passageway to a designated area while isolated from one another. Communication is restricted, and the entire level which including the rules and all props, such as the word cards is presented in English. Successfully delivering the correct gift requires a high level of team coordination.

小隊透過關卡設計的渠道互相傳遞訊息。 (攝影/楊采璇)

「GIFT GG」不僅需要基本的英語能力,同時也考驗著小鐵人們彼此間的默契。而「GIFT GG」也是決賽中被多數小隊歸類為「困難」等級的關卡。不過關主李直謙表示,其實關卡並不難,雖然不能溝通,但有提供訊息卡讓小隊互相傳遞資訊。此外,很多非常困難的題目,其實牆壁上的線索都暗示著禮物的去向,只要細心觀察,就能找到答案。

“GIFT GG” not only tests basic English proficiency but also challenges the participants’ ability to work seamlessly as a team. Many teams have classified this level as “difficult.” However, level master LEE CHIH-CHIEN noted that the level isn’t as hard as it seems. Though verbal communication is limited, teams are provided with message cards to exchange information. Moreover, the walls contain subtle clues that hint at the correct placement of each gift. With careful observation, the solutions can be uncovered.


One team, “Jellyfish Pope,” excelled in this level. They chose to bypass the information on the message cards and instead used their own “directional system” to communicate. The team explained that the information on the cards could be interpreted differently by each member, leading to confusion about the gift’s final destination. By simplifying the instructions to just four signals—up, down, left, and right—they found the level much easier. This strategy allowed them to score highly and even finish the challenge ahead of time.

「不拘泥事物的表面,認真體悟才能發現本質。」《波布水母》分享的這句話,不僅是他們在「GIFT GG」中的致勝法寶,更是對所有小鐵人們的激勵。無論挑戰多麼困難,只要用心去體會,突破自我,任何困難都將成為成功的墊腳石。(記者黃子宜、楊采璇/南投採訪報導)

“Don’t be constrained by surface appearances; true understanding comes from deep reflection.” This insight from ” Jellyfish Pope ” was not only the key to their success in “GIFT GG,” but also serves as inspiration for all participants. No matter how challenging the obstacle, with thoughtful effort and self-improvement, any difficulty can become a stepping stone to success.

最後修改日期: 2024-08-13