

The 21th IICC final competition officially began on August 6th at National Chi Nan University in Nantou County! Over the course of 72 hours, the team not only had to navigate through various tasks, but also focus on the main mission “The Day After Tomorrow.” They were given a choice of six historic sites and four different civilizations to simulate how these people would survive and live in those environments. In addition to decorating their classrooms and putting on performances, the team had to created display walls, and need to use the quadrotor aircraft in the performance.


Facing the continuous 72-hour challenge, the team had to manage their time effectively to complete the main mission while also passing tasks to earn money for buying props. The creativity displayed in the main mission was impressive, with each team bringing something unique, whether in their performances, set designs, or use of technology.

來自印尼的隊伍《BHASKARA TEAM》選擇了古蹟兵馬俑以及阿茲特克人做為他們的表演,而他們在表演中加入了與觀眾互動的環節,透過觀眾按下時光機器的按鈕進行時空轉移,同時他們也為表演製作了秦始皇的服裝。

The Indonesian team “BHASKARA TEAM” chose the Terracotta Army historic site and the Aztecs as the focus of their performance. They added an interactive element by allowing the audience to press a time machine button to trigger a time-space shift. They also created costumes for Emperor Qin Shi Huang as part of their performance.


Another team, “Wow~This is so abstract,” selected the Aztecs who had traveled through a time-space vortex to live in the Egyptian pyramids. They crafted intricate paper puppets for their performance, which began on the surface world and later revealed the hidden underground world. The performance was full of surprises, and when the judges asked questions, they humorously explained that they drank a lot of bubble tea to build the columns for the underground world, using the cups as the solid foundation for their design.


The team “Let the Eggs Fly” also chose the theme of the Aztecs and the Egyptian pyramids. They believed that the Aztecs were skilled in creating hydraulic engineering, so they showcased how these skills could be adapted within the structure of the pyramids, including the development of a waterwheel. They ingeniously used available materials to create a working waterwheel and a functional rainwater collection device inside the pyramid, demonstrating the team’s remarkable creativity.


After 72 hours of intense effort, the team were all exhausted but proud of their achievements. Throughout the challenge, they faced obstacles, brainstormed ideas, crafted props, and showcased their creativity, all to present the best version of themselves in the final round. Regardless of whether they won or not, each the team is unique, and it is hoped that the joy and hardships of the finals will become a cherished memory and a source of strength for them on their future journeys.

(Reported by Demi and Angel from Nantou)


最後修改日期: 2024-08-14