隊呼比賽冠軍 斯里蘭卡隊積極參與智鐵任務


Team from Sri Lanka, ACSL, this year in IICC, got everyone’s eyes on the team cheering performance on the first day. They combined the martial arts and dancing in their performance and got the first title of the performance. Meanwhile, ACSL also shared the idea of their team name. one of the member shared, “ACSL is that AC means our school name, all of us from one school, and SL is for Sri Lanka.”


To face the challenge of main project, ACSL come up with an idea which is a spider cleaner as their last work of this competition. The things they can do here are limited with time and the tools, so they are now doing something about cleaning the clot.


For the first time to visit Taiwan, the difference of languages make the challenges of tests more difficult. However, when it comes to the experience of being here, team Sri Lanka still give Taiwan a big compliment. Team Sri Lanka is very active as doing all the tests and activities. They seized every fleeting moment while here in Taiwan.(Reporterd by YU-HSIN HUANG and MING-JUN XIAO)