仿生設計為主題 主軸任務談永續生活




The tightly connected honeycomb, the huge mechanical flower or a wide variety of wind Turbines. The performance stage of main project is various. Cheese Sandwichesuse honeycomb, wild goose, mimosa and radish as the theme. They are favored by the judges.


Mention the creative ideas, Miao-Jen Kuo, the member ofCheese Sandwichessaid “We are thinking about those biomimetic ideas first. And then think of the plot. Actually we were not satisfied with the plot at first, so we have modified many times. Suddenly, I thought we could make a real estate advertisement.”


The main project subjects to “apply biomimetic design in sustainable living” this year. The prototype or model not only must be practical, feasible, scientific, and creative. How to promote the sustainable development of science and technology in contemporary, and demonstrate a unique and sustainable concept. Test the wit of the contestants.

《Dawn of the Eggs》


HUANG WEI XING XIN, the judge said “We hope that the participant will be stimulated in IICC. Biomimetic design is a simple idea, we have no limits on what they will do. So we just give them some simple settings, how do they think about it


The main project challenges the ironman under limited time and resources, how to show teamwork, hold a brainstorm session, learn from scratch and inspire creativity, and implement the purpose “How to practice creativity.”(Reported by YU-ZHEN WANG and HUA-FANG CAO)