《三明治》獲雙料冠軍 決賽閉幕藏彩蛋

17屆智慧鐵人創意競賽在81日下午,於屏東科技大學圓滿落幕。看著小鐵人們連閉幕典禮都醒不來,歷經72小時的燒腦大作戰,終於來到眾所矚目的頒獎時刻。本次一般組與國際組冠軍由《起司三明治天團》成最大贏家,技職組冠軍由《垃圾不分藍綠 寶貝不分科系》拿下。

The 17th Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest ended successfully at NPUST. The iron men can’t wake up even at the closing ceremony, because the 72 hours nonstop challenge made them too exhausted. Finally comes the highly eye-catching crucial moment.

This year, Cheese Sandwicheswon the Domestic High School Champion and International Champion. In addition, Garbage has no party lines. Baby is not divided into departmentswon the Domestic Vocational High School Champion.

來自智利的國際評審PRIETO PEREZ NICOLAS提及今年主軸的評審過程,他表示,當評審委員在審視小鐵人們的作品時,他們試著想要對學員非常嚴格,那是因為他們對參賽者有極高的期待。

When mention the judgement of the main project, the international judge PRIETO PEREZ NICOLAS said “ Today i want to say, we try to do very tough with you guys, we try to be very hard, when we make the judgement, because we have so high expectation about you.”


Yen-Fu Lin, the member ofCheese Sandwichessaid “Thank for the competition, Although I attended it in high school, I heard it before when i were junior. Thanks to my team for giving me the opportunity to join them.”


In order to encourage the team to be active, particularly add new prize, task complete award, and there have eight teams won. Also, in order to comfort the hard-working game master, IICC ask the teams to vote for five game as Highest Popularity Task. Unexpectedly, there are interesting performances on the podium, which is an easter egg at this year’s closing ceremony.


Yi Rui Xiao You Ze Xu, the staff member of IICC said “Every time we award a prize, we will always start thinking, thinking about what should we do next and how to do it. This is creativity! I think we are creative.”


The three-day competition was full of laughter and tears. This paradise of heroic dreams, let’s see you next year.(Reported by YU-ZHEN WANG and HUA-FANG CAO)