智利強棒出擊 《2MCN》隊名藏巧思



Brisk dance with gorgeous swinging skirt. The Chilean team “2MCN” won the audience with their traditional dance. The team named from the first letter of every teammate. It looks simple but rich in ingenuity. They are all participating in IICC for the first time. In the face of the difficulties of IICC, how should they deal with it?

隊員Natalia Reyes表示,智慧鐵人創意競賽非常具有挑戰性,比賽過程中的每個環節都必須小心警謹慎且不能有疏忽,不但需要突破各種類型的關卡,同時也需要展現高度的團隊分工,保持與隊員間愉快的相處,才能突破重圍。

Natalia Reyes, the team member said “It’s a contest in which one you will not slip anything at all. You’re gonna suffer with some task and have fun with other, it’s challenging.”

環視《2MCN》小隊大本營,每個人都有自己的專業分工、各司其職,有人負責創意發想、工程設計、繪畫美工、木工製作,大家發揮團隊精神,Natalia Reyes說,他們大部分的時間都保持放鬆的狀態是一件好事,只要確立了方向,大家便會全神貫注地朝著目標前進。《2MCN》保持平常心,同時也用自律與嚴謹的態度面對任務與挑戰。

Look around the team. Everyone has their own professional division of labor. Some is responsible for planning, some is for engineering and some is for painting. They stay calm, build a strong team, and face tasks and challenges with self-discipline and rigor.

Natalia Reyes, said “I think all of us we are very quiet, they’re not even speaking right now. we’re almost all the time relax . And that I think that not bad for us. Cause we’re not like so stress right now. We’re just still focus on our goal.’’ They stay calm, build a strong team and face tasks and challenges with self-discipline and rigor.


Concentrate on the goal, the Chilean team calmly faces 72 hours uninterrupted game. Looking forward to being a winner in the competition.(Reported by YU-ZHEN WANG and HUA-FANG CAO