新加坡隊變身蛋黃哥 新舊成員聯手出擊

來自新加坡的隊伍《Dawn of the Eggs》今年再次組隊勇闖智慧鐵人創意競賽,去年在決賽開幕式的隊呼表演上以一身恐龍裝吸引全場目光的他們,今年也沒讓觀眾們失望,換上親手製作的蛋黃哥服裝,搭配搞笑幽默的舞蹈來呼應隊名,成功搏得現場觀眾熱烈的掌聲。
Team Singapore comes to join IICC again this year. They dressed dinosaur costumes to catch the audiences’ eyes at the opening ceremony last year. This year, they dressed the costume of Gudetama which was made by themselves, and had a funny dancing that had connected with their team name Dawn of the Eggs. The performance had got applause from the audiences successfully.

《Dawn of the Eggs》如此特別的團名有個相當出奇不意的由來,繼去年的《Milo Dinosaurs》之後,他們想取一個更具趣味性的隊名,團員們表示,有天在吃麥當勞的蛋時突然靈光一閃,他們發現也許可以用蛋來取一個有趣的名字,因此《Dawn of the Eggs》就這樣誕生了。
The special name, Dawn of the Eggs, had an unexpected origin. After having Milo Dinosaurs as their team name, they wanted a name that has more fun. They said, “When we were eating eggs in McDonald, we thought that perhaps we could use egg to have a funny name for our team. So we call ourselves Dawn of the Eggs.”

There are six members in the team. Three of them had been to Taiwan to joined IICC last year, and they found the other three new members to group the team this year.When looking for new members, they had their own standard. They think highly of their hobbies and professions then grouped this team which has strong strenth.

The member who joined IICC for the first time said that this competition is kind of difficult. He needs to be patient to solve each of the tasks. He had never joined any similar competitions in Singapore before, so this is the most complicated and difficult contest for him.


儘管如此,《Dawn of the Eggs》仍舊做足了萬全的準備,他們檢視了去年的比賽經驗,重新調整今年的隊伍分工與作戰策略,希望能有更充裕的時間完成主任務。新加坡隊往年都有不錯的成績,甚至曾拿下國際組冠軍,今年《Dawn of the Eggs》除了期許能從競賽中學習到更多知識與文化,同時也期盼能再次抱回冠軍寶座以及15萬元獎金。(記者劉潔謙、林于暄/屏東科大採訪報導)
Even so, Dawn of the Eggs still gets well prepared for the competition. After inspecting the process of last year, they did some revision of their division of teamwork and strategies. They hope that they could have enough time to finish the main project. Team Singapore had nice position, even had taken the champion before. Except learning more knowledge and cultures in the competition, they hope that they can get the 1st prize and NT$150,000 again this year. (by Chieh Chien Liu and Yu Xuan Lin)