前往新世界 《Can don’t want ah?》竭盡全力享受過程

<The whole new world>的音樂一下,全場便引起了共鳴,這是馬來西亞小鐵人《Can don’t want ah?》的隊呼開場音樂。《Can don’t want ah?》穿著著馬來西亞的傳統服飾進行表演,至於為什麼選擇<The whole new world>這首歌,而不是馬來西亞傳統音樂,《Can don’t want ah?》表示,來到智鐵競賽就是一個全新的體驗,像是來到新世界,可以從中吸取新知識、給予新的學習機會。再加上這首歌與各國都有共鳴,所以在歌曲上再融入傳統元素、改編故事,最後完成隊呼表演。

When the music <The whole new world> began, the audience has resonated. This is the music of Can don’t want ah?》’s Team Jubilation performance. They dressed Malaysia’s traditional clothes. 《Can don’t want ah?》said that they choose this song is because coming to Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest just like coming to the new world. They can learn new knowledge and have chances to learn. By the way, this song also have connect between every country. They also add traditional elements, adapted story then finished the Team Jubilation performance. It is the reason why they didn’t choose the Malaysia’s traditional music

《Can don’t want ah?》認為,現今有太多青年有人云亦云的毛病,沒有經過思考,只是一昧地接收資訊,因此期望可以拒絕不合理的思維想法,吸收更多有意義的想法,進而讓生命更有價值,因此取為《Can don’t want ah?》。

About the team name, 《Can don’t want ah?》thought there are too many young people always follow others idea without thinking. They wish they can reject unreasonable thinking, and absorb more meaningful ideas, make life more valuable. It is why they choose《Can don’t want ah?》as their team name.

《Can don’t want ah?》表示,來參加智慧鐵人創意競賽是為了從中學習,目標不不是為了贏得勝利,更重要的是參賽的過程中是否有全力以赴、盡力而為。為了好好應對決賽的主軸任務,《Can don’t want ah?》在準備完隊呼後,便開始著手找主軸任務的相關資料,他們從各類的動物、植物的特徵,一直到這些動植物的益處與生活上的應用都找過一遍,可見對決賽十分重視。

For《Can don’t want ah?》, join the context is for learning not the victory. The most important thing is if they doing their best during the context. To prepared the main task, after they finish the Team Jubilation performance, they used the hint to find the relevant informations. For example, they find lot of animals’ and plants’ feature, benefits and application. It is obvious that they are care a lot about the final stage.

而72小時不間斷的比賽,也讓《Can don’t want ah?》直喊快要爆肝了,也提到他們前一天也都通宵,在闖體其關卡因為平衡感不佳,破關的過程也吃盡苦頭。為了智慧鐵人創意競賽拼盡全力,《Can don’t want ah?》也期待努力有所收穫,並成為生命中難以忘懷的重要回憶。(記者蔡采紋、陳妍蒨/屏東科大採訪報導)

72 hours non-stop also let《Can don’t want ah?》felt really tired, they even can’t sleep all night. Another team member said, her balance is not good she so she put through the wringer when she beat the level. 《Can don’t want ah?》try their best in Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest. Wish they can get good grades, and become an unforgettable memory in their life.(Reported by Tsai-Wen Tsai , Yen-Chien Chen)