《Corn Cake》熱情如火 團隊齊心克服難關

智慧鐵人創意競賽邁入第17屆,今年前來參賽的10組國際隊伍中,光是智利的隊伍就有三組,而隊伍《Corn Cake》,在開幕式的隊呼表演上帶來朝氣十足的演出,這支擁有六位活潑外向成員的隊伍,也大方分享他們從組隊到參賽的過程。
There are 10 international teams came to join the 17th IICC this year. Three of the teams come from Chile. One of the teams is called Corn Cake. They bring a lively performance at the opening ceremony. The six members are pretty outgoing and energetic. They also shared the origin of their team name selflessly.

Corn cake是一道智利的當地美食,隊員們表示,因為他們決定參賽的時間較晚,導致協助他們登記報名的老師沒有多餘的時間和他們討論隊伍名稱,最後老師便決定以能夠代表智利的事物來替他們命名。
Corn cake is one of the typical plates in Chile. The team name “Corn Cake” was named by their teacher. The members said, “We were inscribed very late into the tournament, and our teacher that was inscribing the teams had very little time to come out with names, so he started putting the names of representative stuff of Chile.”

首次來到臺灣參賽的《Corn Cake》來自同一個才藝社團,他們經過國內競賽獲得冠軍後代表智利出賽,他們表示,每位成員來參賽的原因都有各自的原因,個性也都大不相同,但他們一致認為要好好把握這個得來不易的機會。
This is the first time that Team Corn Cake have come to Taiwan. There are six members who come from the same talent program. Before they came to Taiwan, they got the national champion in domestic contest in Chile. Although each of them havs different personality and comes to IICC for different reasons, all of them want to seize the chance which is not easy to come.

然而團隊在最初闖關時卻遭遇許多挫折,並且得到一些很糟的成績,這讓《Corn Cake》感到迷惘甚至不知所措。他們坦言,語言問題幾乎是整個競賽裡最大的阻礙,但他們也迅速地重整團隊,並在後續的關卡中獲得不錯的成績,《Corn Cake》表示:「我們現在已經克服了,也越來越像一個團隊。」
However, they did face some frustrations and got worse scores at first. That made them feel disorientated, and they didn’t know what to do. They thought that the problem of language and communicating are the main obstacle during the competition. But they had overcome it immediately, and got nice grades in the tasks. Corn Cake said, “We’ve got to hang of it. We’ve come together as a team. And we started doing the tasks great.”

活力十足的《Corn Cake》相當珍惜這次來到臺灣參賽的機會,即便臺灣夏季的氣候對他們而言過於炎熱,但這裡的每樣事物以及文化都讓他們感到新奇,特別是屏科大校園裡滿滿的樹木及草地,讓他們留下深刻印象。雖然《Corn Cake》不敢保證最後能拿下冠軍寶座,但他們相信整個隊伍一定會創造一個令人難忘的佳績。(記者劉潔謙、林于暄/屏東科大採訪報導)
This active team really appreciates the chance of coming to join IICC in Taiwan. Even though the summer in Taiwan is too hot for them, they are still interested in everything here, including the culture, especially the beautiful campus of NPUST which has lots of trees and grass. Although Corn Cake is not sure if they will be the champion in the end, they still believe that the team will do an amazing job. (by Chieh Chien Liu and Yu Xuan Lin)