「減肥數成班」「星球崛起」 鍛練智力與體力


In the final of The 2019 Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest, the project of Physical and Others has some difference from others. In addition to give the competitors some challenges to test their intelligence and physical power, IICC also hope to implement the conception of themselves which is the application by hands as well as brain.


One of the barricade, You Will Be Very Tired, combines the test of muscular endurance and the ability of calculation. The barricade keeper, 呂睿 , says that according to his experiences from the contests he had joined, he decides to emphasize the challenges of physical power when he designed the barricade. Besides, 呂睿 abandoned the subjects of curriculum guidelines because there are many competitors from other countries and increased the ability of calculation at the same time. 呂睿 says: “I hope that the competitors have intelligence drain and show the abilities of logical thinking with communication.”


Moreover, another one of the barricade, The Rise Of Seal, combines zodiac sign and the balloons to spice up the process of competitors untie the barricade. At the same time, there are more space barriers were set, the more physical power competitors must be consumed. The barricade keeper, 胡恩沛, explains that she set many clues under tables when she designed the barricade, so competitors must to weave in and out of tables and then implement the purpose of Physical and Others. The team, 《Cherubim Union》, shared that the most difficult part is to up to the balloons cross the highest ring hanging on ceiling.


In the project of Physical and Others, there are challenges of physical power and fun, also to test the ability includes physical and sedentary activities. When competitors finished the barricade, they must to remember the importance of teamwork and brain thinking.(Reporterd by YU-HSIN HUANG and MING-JUN XIAO)