決賽隊呼展創意 斯里蘭卡高票奪冠


The Team Jubilation performance of the final of 17th IICC, had 36 teams tried the whole bag of tricks to show their creativity and energetic. After the performance, all of the Little Iron Men would vote to choose the best team. The winner would receive NT$10,000. The announcement of the Creative Jubilating Award was highly competitive. Team Sri Lanka《ACSL》won by a huge margin, and got the first prize.


Each team brought unexpected shows. Team This Team Has Been Disqualified said, “How to prove that our team jubilation is good enough? Obviously, we determine from the reaction of the audiences. If we have a brilliant performance, the audiences will give us a nice round of applause.”


Except those 26 teams from Taiwan, the finale debut was presented by the taskmasters. They showed their life during the competition in a humorous way. The other 10 international teams also present splendid performances with exotic culture.

The jubilation performance of Team Sri Lanka ACSL was martial arts and dancing. They left a deep impression to everyone, and won a big hand after the show. ACSL was excited because this was their first time to join an international competition. They said, “This is the first time we participate in this competition, we had only ten days to practice with the jubilation. So we just thought of doing something like the fighting, some of the action thing.” They also want to thank their teacher for his assistance to make the performance better.

Although not every group could win a prize in the jubilating award, the Little Iron Men still worked as hard as they could. Besides this prelude of the competition, the main projects and tasks will bring them a non-stop and a brand new challenge in the next 72 hours. (by Chieh Chien Liu and Yu Xuan Lin)