決賽開幕典禮上,穿著俄羅斯的傳統服飾,搭配高亢的歌聲與傳統舞蹈,俄羅斯隊伍《ICE ICE》在隊呼表演時也喊出「Our country is come to ice but our heart is hot.」,展現隊伍的熱情與活力。
There are four textile with Russia pattern in the opening ceremony; wearing Russia’s tranditional clothes, and theresoundingvoices and tranditional dance. Russia’s team 《ICE ICE》said “Our country is come to ice but our heart is hot”. Showing the Passion and vitality, when they are on the stage ofthe Team Jubilation performance.
《ICE ICE》初次來臺灣,他們表示,參與智慧鐵人創意競賽是一個榮幸,也感到十分開心,他們更期待可以透過競賽,了解各國文化,以及認識不同國家的朋友。
It the first time for 《ICE ICE》came to Taiwan. They thought it is there honor to participated Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest. They felled very happy when they getting into the final stage. In addition to join the context, they are more expecting to learn about the culture of different countriesand make friends with different countries’ people.
準備參加決賽的過程,《ICE ICE》說,練習了許多歷屆關卡,同時為了避免語言上的溝通障礙,他們也加強練習了英文。然而,時差對於《ICE ICE》來說是參賽的一大障礙,由於俄羅斯與台灣約有五個小時的時差,因此在比賽過程中他們時常感到精神不濟。
About the preparation process, 《ICE ICE》practice a lot of Previous levels. To avoid the communication barrier they improve their English. The time difference is a major obstacle to the competition. Russia snd Taiwan has almost five hours different, so that they often get really tired in the context.
《ICE ICE》表示,俄國有一句俗諺在是在說,比賽中的最重要的並不是勝利,而是參與其中的熱情。比起在競賽中贏得獎項、獲得勝利,《ICE ICE》更在乎參加決賽的過程以及收穫,期望可以在智慧鐵人創意競賽中學習到科技知識、了解各國的文化與人們。
《ICE ICE》said that there is a vulgar in Russia said that; the main thing in the competition is not the victory but the passion. Compared to winning the prize and getting victory it is more important for them to join the context. They hope they can learn the technology knoeledge learn about the culture of different countriesand make friends with different countries’ people.
面對決賽的27道關卡,《ICE ICE》希望可以在再闖關過程中找到屬於他們的闖關訣竅,並且利用在過程中學習到的技巧與新的思考模式,在決賽關卡中循序漸進,期望可以發揮他們最佳的實力,激發創意,並在智慧鐵人創意競賽的參賽過程中獲得滿滿得收穫。(記者蔡采紋、陳妍蒨/屏東科大採訪報導)
Mentioned the secret tips of the competition,《ICE ICE》wish that they could find their own tips., and using them which learned during the context and getting better.Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest final stage has three days, wish that 《ICE ICE》can do their best, using their creativity. Then get a lot of unimaginable rewardsduring the final stage.(Reported by Tsai-Wen Tsai , Yen-Chien Chen)