在開幕典禮上,來自俄羅斯的隊伍《Phoenix Team》表演俄羅斯傳統音樂及舞蹈,高亢優美的嗓音以及具有特色的舞蹈吸引眾人目光,首度受邀來台參賽的他們信心滿滿,期待在比賽中能有好的表現。

At the opening ceremony, the team comes from Russia – “Phoenix Team” performed Russian traditional music and dance, and the resounding and beautiful voices and distinguishing dances attracted audiences’ attention. This is the first time that they are invited to Taiwan, they are very confident and looking forward to having a good performance in the competition.

提及隊名《Phoenix Team》的由來,隊員說道,phoenix有不死鳥之稱,是一種神話中的鳥類,其具有不畏懼挑戰的精神,因此決定以此當作參賽隊名。

Mentioning about the origin of the team name, “Phoenix Team” members said that phoenix is also called immortal bird, it is a kind of myth bird which has the spirit of challenging, so they decided to name their team “Phoenix Team”.

《Phoenix Team》隊員表示,能夠來到台灣參加智慧鐵人競賽是個很棒的經驗,除了參與競賽,他們也很開心可以在這邊交到朋友,並嘗試著去了解台灣的文化。第一次來台參賽的他們對於台灣感到很新奇,造訪了中正紀念堂等觀光景點,認為台灣人都很親切,至於對印象最深刻的部分就是智鐵競賽,覺得很高興可以有這個機會一同參與。

“Phoenix Team” members think it’s a pretty good experience for them to participate in IICC, besides joining the competition, they are also glad to make some friends here. Then, they also try to understand the culture of Taiwan.

Taiwan is really like a novel for them because this is the first time they come to Taiwan. They have gone to see some sights of Taiwan such as the Memorial Hall, and they think Taiwaneses are so kind. As for the most impressive part of Taiwan is IICC, they feel delighted to have this opportunity to participate in this competition together.

《Phoenix Team》對於各種類型的關卡都感到很有興趣,不過他們把重心放在主軸任務上,因為那才是最主要的任務。他們也表示,在闖關的時候遇到最大的困難是有時會不了解題意,執行起來很困難,但他們都會試著一起努力解決問題。

“Phoenix Team” is interested in all types of tasks, but they focus on the final project because they think that is the most important part.They point that sometimes it’s difficult for them to understand the meaning of the topic and it’s really difficult to get it started, but they still try hard to solve those problems.

面對72小時不間斷的挑戰,《Phoenix Team》表示,平常不會連續三天不睡覺一直工作,所以隊員們很努力地試著保持清醒,結果到了該就寢的時候,反而因為地板很硬加上時差問題而無法入睡。

Faced with the 72-hour non-stop IICC challenge, “Phoenix Team” says it’s unusual for them to work non-stop three days, so they try hard to stay awake, as a result, they can’t fall asleep because of the hard floor and jetlag.

《Phoenix Team》認為,能夠參與這麼大型的國際比賽很棒,也很期待展出他們的主軸任務,更自信地表示他們的作品將是最棒的那一個。首次參賽的俄羅斯隊充滿著熱情和衝勁,努力克服一切困難,盼能在智鐵比賽中創造出難忘的回憶。(記者吳思妮、盧又鉦/採訪報導)

”Phoenix Team” think it’s really great that they have the opportunity to join such a big international competition, and they are really excited to present their final project and they think it will be the best one.

Russian team is full of strong enthusiasm and impulse because it’s the first time they join IICC. Striving to overcome all difficulties, they hope to create unforgettable memories in IICC. (Reported by SI-NI WU and YU-CHENG