身穿可愛的恐龍裝,新加坡隊伍《Milo Dinosaurs》從決賽開幕的隊呼表演就吸引全場目光,來自華僑中學的六個大男孩,憑著一股想給大家驚喜的熱血心情,汗流浹背也在所不惜。

“Roar” Wearing the cute dinosaur costumes, the Singapore teamMilo Dinosaursattract the audience by having an unforgettable performance at the opening ceremony of the finals. Even if they are sweating, the six big boys from Hwa Chong Institution want to surprise everyone with their passion.

Milo Dinosaurs》取名來自新加坡的飲料之ㄧ——美祿恐龍,隊長鍾暐軒表示,打著飲料的名義裝成恐龍就是想出其不意,讓大家有個驚喜,也坦言,身穿巨型恐龍裝雖然很熱,卻是一個相當有趣的體驗。

Milo Dinosaur is one of Singapore’s specialty drinks. The team leader said “ we just want to pretend to be a dinosaur in the name of the drink and surprise everyone.” And dressed the costume it’s actually quite hot inside the fur-suit. “ I am sweaty now. It’s a bit hard, but it’s a special experience” said by him.

來台灣參加比賽不容易,除了要顧好在校成績,也不是任何人能夠願意長達將近七天不去學校上課,但是他們穩固成績的背後卻暗藏玄機?《Milo Dinosaurs》說:「其實我們挺開心的,因為我們這樣都曠了好幾堂課!」

It’s not a trifle for this group of high school students to come to Taiwan to participate in the competition. Also, most students are reluctant to skip classes for nearly seven days, but they seem to have something to say?

“In fact, we are very happy, because we are absent from school for several classes.” said fromMilo Dinosaurs.


The multi-faceted and cross-disciplinary questions of the competition are not common in Singapore. They also open their eyes to the complexity and creativity of the questions. The member, Yeo Tok Lin said “In fact, we really admire the founders of the competition, because we have never thought of such creative games, let alone played these games. So we really learned a lot in Taiwan. He also expects If there is a similar event held in Singapore, he will feel excited because it can inspire students’ critical thinking and their creativity.


They are caught off guard because of  the unpredictable game, but they can still break through the difficulties by teamwork. Last year, Singapore team won the international championship and they hope they can be the defending champion this year.

Tony Fu Liqin said “We certainly hope that we can retain championship, but we must also remember to enjoy this game. Remember to remind ourselves that the purpose of our visit is not only to win the game, but also to learn and make new friends through this experience.”


Enjoy the excitement and experience of the competition, expecting every participant to be self-growth and forget the original intention when challenging the limits and practicing team spirit.(Reported by YU-ZHEN WANG and HUA-FANG CAO)