在隊呼表演上帶來精彩舞蹈表演的是來自馬來西亞的隊伍《Rendang has to be Crispy》,除了一名成員去年參加過智鐵競,其餘成員皆為首次參賽。

At the opening ceremony, the light music with the lyrics highlight the characteristics of Southeast Asia, Malaysia team “Rendang has to be Crispy” brought the wonderful dance performance, except for one member who participated in IICC last year, the rest of the members participated for the first time.

《Rendang has to be Crispy》的成員表示,隊名的來由是BBC電視節目廚神當道中的評審認為馬來西亞參賽者所做的「Rendang」的雞腿應該要是酥脆的,「Rendang chicken」是馬來西亞傳統料理,需將肉及椰奶一同熬煮數小時,不可能保有酥脆口感,因此他們想透過這個隊名來讓大家了解他們的傳統文化。

“Rendang has to be Crispy” members said, the team name is come from judges from MasterChefUK gave their point of view towards rendang, saying that it should be crispy. Rendang beloved Malaysian dish is a meat cuisine cooked for hours with coconut milk, so it is impossible to be crispy, they want to let everybody understand their traditional culture through this team name.

《Rendang has to be Crispy》的隊都是來自吉隆坡循人中學,智鐵競賽對他們來說是非常特別的國際交流活動,他們認為在高中階段就應該做些有意義且有紀念性的事情。隊員表示,隊伍成員是透過報名與面試篩選出來的,每週會固定練習歷屆試題兩到三次,以培養默契。

They are from Tsun Jin High School which is located in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia, IICC is really special international exchange activities for them, they thought they should do something meaningful and memorable in the high school career.They passed the interview by the school and got the opportunity to take part of IICC, they practice previous exam two or three times a week.

對《Rendang has to be Crispy》來說,對台灣最印象深刻的地方在於當地的風土民情。他們說道,參加過智鐵的歷屆參賽者都會回來幫助這個比賽順利進行,他們很善良、很願意付出,像參賽隊伍的小天使,都很樂意幫助小鐵人們解決問題。

For “Rendang has to be Crispy”, the most impressive thing in Taiwan is the local customs. They said that all the contestants who participated in IICC will come back to help the game go smoothly, they are very kind and willing to pay, like the angels of all the teams, they all glad to help the contestants solve the problem.

在這次決賽中,《Rendang has to be Crispy》最喜歡的關卡是體其題「呀咿診所」。他們說,這關地上有很多假的牙齒,要四人合力把乒乓球放到指定的牙齒裡面,才能治療它們,關卡設計得非常好玩,考驗著團隊的默契以及身體的靈活度。

Their most favorite task this year is “Dental Clinic”, they said there are a lots of false tooth on the floor, it’s a teamwork that four people need to put table tennis into the assign teeth to treat them. The task is designed to be very fun, it tests the tacit understanding of our team and the flexibility of the body.

去年曾參賽的PHANG-ZI YEN因為已經高三了,這將是她最後一次參加智鐵。她表示,今年的智鐵競賽還是跟去年一樣好玩、刺激,關卡依然都設計得很用心,關主同樣也是非常親切。

PHANG-ZI YEN, who had participated in IICC last year, was senior in high school, so this is the last time to participate in IICC. She said that IICC this year is as fun and exciting as last year, and the tasks are still designed with intention, the taskmasters are also very kind.

面對72小時不間斷的挑戰,起初《Rendang has to be Crispy》感到畏懼,但實際參與之後反而覺得刺激與興奮。除了兩位高三的成員,其餘第一次參與智鐵的同學們齊聲表示,明年一定會再來參加,智鐵競賽開拓他們的視野,帶給他們全新的體驗。(記者吳思妮、盧又鉦/採訪報導)

Faced with the 72-hour nonstop challenge, “Rendang has to be Crispy” was frightened at the beginning , but after actually going through it, they felt excited and stimulated. In addition to the two senior students, the other students who participated in IICC for the first time said that they will definitely come again next year. The IICC opened up their horizons and bring them a whole new experience. (Reported by SI-NI WU and YU-CHENG LU)