印度隊伍《MGR i3》首次參加智慧鐵人創意競賽,他們期盼從智慧鐵人創意競賽中開拓國際視野,並發揮各自的專長。

The team “MGR i3” from India participated Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest for the first time. They hoped that they could take the opportunity to broaden their horizon on international stage and enhance their abilities.

在開幕典禮中,印度隊伍《MGR i3》透過隊呼表演帶出他們參與智鐵競賽的心路歷程,誇張的表演和搞笑的劇情引來全場歡呼聲。

In the jubilation performance, team “MGR i3” showed their journey while joining Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest. Exaggerated performance and humorous story made the audiences cheer for them.

隊員 Satishkumar Subendran 表示,自己和隊友非常喜歡設計方面的東西,很享受趣味性的活動 ,以及喜愛探索國家的各個方面。

“We both love designing and also I personally enjoyed with fun filled event to explore many of the country,” said Satishkumar Subendran, the team member of “MGR i3”.


When they talked about their first impressions of Taiwan, the team with backgrounds of designing and engineering was fascinated by Taipei metro system, technology and green environment.

隊長 M.Shahid Modi 表示,希望可以運用在這裡學到的知識,無論是先進的捷運系統還是台灣人友善待人的方式,或是自動化的設施和綠色生態等,希望把這些理念帶回印度,讓國家變得更好,智慧鐵人也是其中之一。

“We could use the knowledge we getting here, from the metro to all the great ways you take care of people, the automatic processes of the city and also ecosphere. We wanted to take these concepts back to India, to make our country better as well, and the IICC was the part of that,” said M.Shahid Modi, the team leader of “MGR i3”.


In the main project, they designed a smart city with “willfully autonomous skate plane” called WASP. Their exquisite prototype and good presentation made the judges very impressive.

隊員 Aakash Reddy Murugadasan 表示,參加智鐵可以擴展自己的能力,是一個能夠精進技巧的大平台,無論是在教育還是創新等各方面。創新必須結合科技來解決人性問題,科技必須讓人類更易於理解。

“I thought I could enlarge my skill here, this was a big platform to enhance my skills in all types of education and innovation prototype. Innovation should be mean to solve humanity problems along with technology. In my view, technology should be simple for human to understand,” said Aakash Reddy Murugadasan, the team member of “MGR i3”.

也有隊員認為,台灣人非常樂於助人,台北各處中英文的告示牌,讓外國人感受到這個城市的友善,因此在城市中迷路也不擔心。隊員 Melwin Kingsly 說,在這裡快五天,發現每位前來接觸和說話的人,都非常友善和溫柔,自己很喜歡台北。

They also thought that Taiwanese was helpful. They said they didn’t worry when getting lost in the city because there were many signs with Chinese and English in the city, and it made the foreigners feel friendly.“We have being here for past five days. We noticed that every people came to us spoke to us are very kind and gentle to us. I like Taipei very much,” said Melwin Kingsly, the team member of “MGR i3”.


The six young students from India dared to step out of their comfort zones to explore more potentials of their life. Hopefully they will keep unforgettable memories in the IICC and enjoy the journey in Taiwan.(by Kee Kei Wai and Ming Ting Chek)