表現活潑開朗、志氣滿滿的是來自韓國隊伍《DOTS》,這是他們第一次參與智慧鐵人創意競賽,更同時是初次拜訪台灣金門,隊員Bora Shim表示,金門是個很棒的地方,金門大學建築也非常美麗,讓人感到非常放鬆。

Shows vigorous and ambitious, is the team from Korea, DOTS. This is their first time to participate in IICC, also the first time visiting Taiwan and Quemoy. One of the team member of DOTS, Bora Shim, said, Quemoy is a nice place with good environment, National Quemoy University also very beautiful.

而《DOTS》認為,參與智慧鐵人創意競賽讓隊伍能夠多認識自己,且更貼近課堂上所學的理論。隊員Jun Beom Park分享,自己以前很討厭數學,壓根不想學習,但他說,當自己與團隊一起解題時,他發現自己也可以做一些算數,用一些以前學過的東西,「我發現我的數學其實沒有那麼糟。」

Team DOTS think that participating in IICC can help them to know themselves better, also apply the theories form the class to the daily life. Team member Jun Beom Park indicates, he used to be a student who hates math so much, but when he tried to solve the problem from the task, he found he can do some effort too.

韓國隊伍的隊員由一群熱於挑戰的學生所組成,他們表示,前來參賽的初衷便是期盼競賽可以帶給他們更多不一樣的知識與創意。Jun Beom Park解釋,以往總會對學習的課題感到疑惑,但闖關時發現大家都可以運用之前在學校學的知識來解題,這讓他對學習成果感到非常滿足。而《DOTS》隊長Siwon Yoo則認為,比賽讓他們自己規劃時間,身為隊長要學會調整隊伍的腳步,他說,這樣的模式讓隊員們一天比一天更團結。隊員Hochan Kim則覺得,智慧鐵人創意競賽是一個激發創意很好的機會。

The members of Korea are combined with bunch of students who are willing to challenge. They said, the reason that they participate in the contest is anticipating for creativity and knowledge they have never experienced. Jun Beom Park explained, they used to be very confuse about what they have learned in the class, but after experiencing the game, they felt all they have learned hardly are paid off. The captain of DOTS, Siwon Yoo expressed, the competition has cultivated the ability of management to him, also make the team cooperates better day by day. And the team member Hochan Kim shared, IICC is a great contest to simulate creativity.

然而,韓國隊自第一屆國際邀請賽便開始參與競賽,由指導老師Lukey Kim將比賽帶入。Lukey Kim表示,自身認同智慧鐵人創意競賽致力於推動創意教育,因此年復一年地帶領學生來台參賽。她認為,這樣的教育對青少年而言是非常重要的,因此期盼韓國學生也得以體驗這樣創意的思維。(記者賴心樺、許芳瑄/金門採訪報導)

Korean team has participated IICC since the first year of international game was held. Lukey Kim, the teacher of Korean team, indicated the reason she brings students to Taiwan year by year is that she agrees with the core idea of IICC, she thinks this kind of education is very important to teenagers. So Lukey Kim tries hard to make Korean students experiencing how to be creative. (Reported by HisnHua Lai and FangHusan Hsu.)
